Warstorm Wiki
Grovekeeper Dybral

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Squad Role
4, 1, 1
4 (fabled), 6 (rare)
2, 4
Released on


Dyrbral is a grovekeeper and archmage of the elves. He made his first appearance when the Silvintri forest was overrun with orcs led by Gorfang Trollkin. Fortunately, Lord General Pozak heard the news through the old scout Isidore, and came to the rescue. But most of the Anden Wardens under Dyrbral was either already dead or sent to Light Priestess Enyi to be healed. Dyrbral escaped the forest almost dead and retreated to Pozak's camp. He was fortunate to survive. Later, he teamed up with Pozak and defeated Gorfang Trollkin.


"It is not enough to protect a tree. We must defend all the ways of the forest."

"I will not allow you to betray our ways."


Grovekeeper Dryrbal is available in the following sets:

Basic Set

Core Set

Novice Set