Health Plus is an collection of ability that cause the maximum health of an unit to increase (mostly) or decrease. Although having its own named ability (denoted as Health +X) a very large number of abilities are including Health Plus as part of whole of the properties. Health Plus can bypass wounded status. The additional health for the units is always depleted last. It means if the effect is terminated before the unit is killed, the current health of the unit must drop an amount equal to that Health Plus grants, and may be fatal. However if multiple protect is acting on the unit and either of protector is killed, the health of the protected unit must drop as if the additional health of the other unit is used up first.
List of abilities associating Health Plus[]
Health Plus takes many forms:
- Guard - Adjacent friendly units (up to 2) gains Protect 2, see below.
- Health +X - Appears in artifacts and the spell Mobilize. Artifact effects will last until artifact departs from unit (by Destroy Artifact, unsummon or death of unit), while Mobilize effect will last until the unit is unsummoned or killed.
- Infantry Gain Health - Exclusive to Shoulder to Shoulder, All friendly infantry gain Health Plus X, where X is number of friendly infantry in play minus 1.
- Protect - Actually recognizable as a separate ability, the ability can cause all friendly units in play to gain Health Plus X, as long as the unit with ability is not unsummoned or killed, otherwise the depletion of maximum health will cause friendly units to be killed at the same time too.